- Helen Keller was related to Robert E. Lee through her paternal grandmother and to the historic Adams family of New England through her mother's family.
- General Norman Schwartzkopf is related through his mother to Thomas Jefferson.
- Celine Dion is related to Mark and Donnie Wahlberg (through their mother), Madonna (through her mother), and the Dionne quintuplets.
- Elvis Presley was related to Jimmy Carter and connected to Michael Jackson and Nicolas Cage through his daughter, Lisa Marie.
- Tony Randall was related to Theda Bara.
- Cornelia Guest, socialite, d/o C.Z. Guest and Winston Guest is the great-granddaughter of Cornelia Spencer-Churchill, who was the sister of Lord Randolph Churchill, who was the father of Winston Churchill.
- Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt were cousins in the 5th degree. (JENNIE, vol. 1, by Ralph Martin).
- Edward Weld, Mrs. Maria Smythe Fitzherbert's first husband (m. 1775), married as his first wife in 1763, the Honorable Juliana Petre, daughter of the 9th Baron Petre. Juliana's mother was the daughter of Lord Derwentwater, James Radcliffe, grandson of King Charles II and Moll Davies. (p.23, MARIA FITZHERBERT: The Secret Wife of George IV, by James Munson.
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